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No one can do what you do, in the unique way that you do it. 

My vision is to provide an all-inclusive approach to career coaching, offering personalized and customized support for achieving career clarity, navigating the job market, and continuing to up level your career. 

About Heather Constantine 

Fifteen years ago, I began my marketing career, determined to climb from entry-level marketer to marketing executive. I worked tirelessly, pulling all-nighters and sacrificing weekends, believing that hard work alone would lead to success. 

While my career did lead to many achievements (and years of marketing experience under my belt!), there were obstacles that made it a struggle to get to where I wanted to go. Working in a male-dominated tech industry, tight budgets and marketing for companies that were set in their ways often meant more work without the recognition or fulfillment I expected.

After a decade as a marketer, I was laid off due to ‘downsizing and a change in leadership.’ This painful experience taught me a crucial lesson: being the hardest worker isn’t enough to ensure a thriving career. And, as I was about to find out, it’s not even enough to get the job.

Impact + Purpose

4 months. 869 resumes sent. 9 interviews conducted.  0 offers. 

I spent months blindly navigating through the job market, and with nothing to show for it. But, that frustration suddenly led to a thought:  I’ve built – even reinvented brands all over the world. Why couldn’t I do the same for my career?

I asked myself questions I had never considered: What are my real strengths? What do I do that no one else can? Where do I truly shine? What kind of work excites me? What are my universally transferable skills? What do I really want?

Word by word, I rebranded myself, utilizing my experience as a marketer and branding expert. At the heart of it all, a passion for strategic communication was born – and it shifted not only the job offers that came my way, but my entire career trajectory. 

I crafted strategic messaging that permeated every aspect of my job search, from my LinkedIn profile, to my elevator pitch, to how I responded to questions during interviews.  I showed up as my authentic self—uncensored, energetic, commanding and honest about what I was looking for and what I had accomplished.

benefits of career coaching unexpected benefits career coaching

I conveyed confidence, and asked questions which formed an immediate bond with hiring managers. I spoke in a way that made others feel comfortable, and curious to learn more about me.  I communicated my value at every opportunity, and as I did, how they perceived my value, changed. 

Two weeks later, I landed a job interview for a position I really wanted, which led to a job offer on the spot—with a 20% salary increase. My career was no longer an uphill battle, but one I created, led, pursued, strategized,  and achieved. 

I quickly learned two important lessons:

  1. No one will pay you what you’re worth; they will only pay you what they think you’re worth. 
  2. There is no secret to career success, but there is strategy – and it starts with our ability to effectively communicate who we are, what we offer, and how we uniquely stand out.

Since that moment, I have helped people worldwide achieve thriving careers using a unique blend of marketing, branding,  and strategic communication techniques—allowing them to  find empowerment and control over their career direction and outcomes.

From interactive career-building workshops for schools, universities, and nonprofits, to one-on-one coaching, I am honored to assist individuals in reaching their career goals and find fulfillment in their professional lives.

“I used to feel so lost and overwhelmed in the job search. Heather identifed my strengths, taught me how to talk about my expertise, and gave me interview training that helped to land an incredible job!” – Britne Kilpper, Executive Assistant to the CEO

+848 Careers Impacted

+848 Careers Impacted

18 Industries

18 Industries

7 Years Experience

7 Years Experience